Thank you for the correction on the salary and other statements I made. I was making those statements hoping to get this type of response. To prove that we have never been more divided now than we ever were before 911.
I was really amazed at the comment in regards to what Who cares what other countries think of us? Sad, dude we have this world and only this world and if we dont work together and work out differences and not allow greed and other corporate idealogy iffluence the way our world is going. We as a world will not exist.
I did not mean for this to be a republican, democrat debate, both are just as bad as the next. The main point I was trying to drive was, get away from the crap the politicain's tell us think for yourself. There are deals, promises made behind closed doors that none of us know about and never will. They benefit the corporate ideology that this world has become. Not the world has a whole to benefit it all. Thus famine and starvation in Africa, people in this country do not get medical attention because they cant afford it, third world countries are in civil war over food from the U.N.
Dont be so prorepublican, prodemocrat, be prohumanity and strive for peace, so us as a world can grow and become a place that my children's children can honor us for the change that we as a people now can make and move toward's eliminating the problems that face our world today, not just us.
I am sorry that you must use insults " just ill-informed rather than a knee-jerk liberal" I am well informed about the workings of our government and what they do and who they do business with. I am sorry that you believe what you are told and not what you know as human being and what your heart should tell you.
I am not trying to win a arguement or get the last word just open your eyes and see the entire world instaed of what benefits us.
If everyone made sure everyone else had everthing they needed, no-one would need thus everyone would have everthing they needed and no-one would suffer. The need for war and other problems in this world would be no more.
Think Peace
Sincerly, Sam
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