Hi, Sam!
First of all, even though your post is laced with liberal "talking points", I'll approach your comments with the assumption that you're just ill-informed rather than a knee-jerk liberal.
Let's start with your first question,
"Consorting with these Hitler in scarves?"
How else would you characterize a group of people whose stated goals are the extermination of all Jews on the planet and destruction of both Israel and the United States?
"What about the Reagan years, when Rumsfeld went to Iraq to congratulate Sadam Hussein and offer him weapons and other incentives to do business with him,"
Never happened. The United States has never given a single piece of ordinance or weaponry to Iraq. All we ever gave them was some aerial reconnaisance photos and some satellite imagery. The only nations to supply arms to Iraq were Communist China, Russia and France.
"Then what about George SR being bedfellows with the Saudi King."
One of the main themes of Michael Moore's so-called "documentary" Fahrenheit 9/11 is a charge that Saudi Arabian interests provided $1.4 billion to firms connected to the family and friends of President George W. Bush. The Bush-Saudi conspiracy theory is an urban legend that is still circulating amongst the black helicopter and tin-foil helmet crowd.
"Why can we not find Osama, he is Saudi and part of there Royal Saudi family."
Wrong again. This is another case of Michael Moron playing fast and loose with the facts. Prince Turki al-Faisal, the Saudi Arabian ambassador to London and a half-brother of Crown Prince Abdullah, was in charge of Saudi intelligence at the time of the September 11 attacks. He said that Moore had "failed to carry out adequate research" into his controversial claims that the Saudis were involved with Osama bin Laden in the build-up to 9/11. Moore made a request to visit Saudi Arabia and they granted him a visa, but he never went, according to Prince Turki. "He missed an important opportunity to find out key facts. In my opinion he should have made every effort to go to a country he has taken to task so heavily in his film."
"Ever wonder why all the highjackers of 911 were Saudi."
Only fifteen of the nineteen September 11 hijackers were of Saudi origin. A minor point, I'll admit, but it just goes to show how the media distorts facts to fit its own agenda.
"Does it make any sense why anyone with as much money as the Bush family would want a job that pays only 200,000 a year."
Actually, the Presidential salary is $400,000.00 per year. It was increased by an act of Congress in 1999, and took effect with President Bush's first term.
Who cares what other countries think of us? They won't like us no matter what we do. This nation produces more wealth per capita than any other industrialized nation in the world. We feed and clothe the world. The United States of America has always been, and continues to be a force for all that is good and decent around the world, and I don't give a flying crap if these head cutters and suicide bombers don't like us!! If this country is so bad, why are there people risking their lives to come here? I don't see anybody building milk-carton rafts to get away from the United States, do you?
I could go on, but I think I've made my point. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest. Sorry to take up so much space, but I couldn't just let those statements go unchallenged.
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