There is one Registrar in a small rural county in NC that said he would never put their document's images on line because they had one attorney in their town that had put SS# on every document that he had recorded in years past. The Registrar told me, "I know that anyone can come in here and see what they want to see but I refuse to expose our county to the internet." He said, "If someone stole the identities of our citizenship it would ruin the infrastructure of the whole town." Let me tell you that in the smaller counties that I have searched, the clerks and the other searchers don't waste a minute finding out who you are and why you are there. That is the way it should have stayed.
Correct me, Jan, if I am wrong.... NC has just passed a law that John Q. Public can do his own search to find out if his SS# is on line and if it is he can request that the Register of Deeds remove it from the document. I have not seen it done yet.
After I posted that article, I read the messages posted and realized what a fluke it was that I found that article because I had no idea that it would be of any interest to anyone until I read David Bloys "The Lives of Three Citizens" article. I have not read the message board in a long time. When I read that article I decided to post it and then I started catching up on my reading. It is one of those things that "Was Meant To Be" The article that I posted was just written Feb. 9th. I guess that was her filing date.
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