AbstractorPro (Real Title Services)
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[+] Sovereign Naturak Resources Inc. - Larry Platt/PA (8 replies)
1/20/2020 11:15:08 AM (2029 views)

1/17/2020 2:24:06 PM (3009 views)

[+] Is Florida an "Attorney State"? - William Duncan/NC (4 replies)
1/14/2020 2:05:37 PM (2304 views)

[+] Docxpad LLC - Scott Dickson/TN (2 replies)
1/13/2020 4:47:23 PM (2342 views)

[+] Dana R Bible - Vincent Clarance/CA (1 reply)
1/12/2020 1:15:38 PM (2383 views)

Real Title Services

[+] States that are still on-site only? - William Duncan/NC (4 replies)
1/8/2020 1:12:08 PM (2608 views)

[+] Joy It Consulting??? - Jay Duncan/MO (7 replies)
1/6/2020 8:48:47 PM (2123 views)

[+] BB&T + SUNTRUST = TRUIST - F P/VA (1 reply)
12/31/2019 10:40:43 AM (2790 views)

[+] Dana R. Bible(tntitlepro@gmail.com) - Vincent Clarance/CA (4 replies)
12/28/2019 8:42:56 PM (2824 views)

[+] Laura Bund American Insurance Professionals - Katrina Patterson/AR (3 replies)
12/26/2019 9:42:04 PM (2356 views)

Name Droppers - Heidi Gemeling/FL
12/25/2019 9:22:27 AM (2951 views)

[+] HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU AND YOURS! - Heidi Gemeling/FL (3 replies)
12/25/2019 9:17:35 AM (1998 views)

[+] CLOSING SOFTWARE - Heidi Gemeling/FL (8 replies)
12/25/2019 9:17:14 AM (2116 views)

[-] How many abstractors - Jeffrey Myers/MD (12 replies)
12/18/2019 10:26:51 PM (3301 views)
Re: How many abstractors -  ABSTRACT SOLUTIONZ /TX
12/23/2019 2:58:17 PM (2293 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Jeanine Johnson/MN
12/23/2019 4:39:09 PM (3172 views)

The US Census Bureau classifies abstractors as Occupation No. 541191, and lists  info as to abstract companies with no. of employees, title companies, searchers, etc. A ton of info can be found at https://factfinder.census.gov/faces/tableservices/jsf/pages/productview.xhtml?src=bkmk 

  It will be interesting to see if the numbers of abstractors fade out in the next census, as Artificial Intelligence and the changes in the industry occur, where so many title companies aren't doing the detailed searches, just doing a "quickie search."

MN Requires licensing of abstractors, and we're a dying breed. They have been pulling people out of retirement to do complex searches, ( a retired friend just came out of retirement to do an abstract for the Minnesota VIkings Stadium for example) because there aren't any qualified people, 


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Re: How many abstractors - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/30/2019 11:03:28 AM (1917 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/30/2019 5:23:10 PM (1985 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/30/2019 6:06:22 PM (1755 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Douglas Gallant/OH
12/30/2019 7:47:21 PM (1885 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/30/2019 8:47:04 PM (1744 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Michael(Mike) O'Neal/AL
12/30/2019 12:15:43 PM (1643 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Michael(Mike) O'Neal/AL
12/30/2019 12:15:46 PM (1767 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Sheila Sten/PA
12/30/2019 2:29:18 PM (1726 views)
Re: How many abstractors - Rock smith/FL
4/7/2021 10:54:20 AM (942 views)
Re: How many abstractors - g h/SC
12/31/2019 7:55:05 AM (1687 views)

Profit and Loss statement template - Constance Foye/VA
12/8/2019 10:14:09 AM (1906 views)

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