Oh Robert, no, this was not geared to you at all!! Most certainly not!!! Only the people who actually took the time to mention me in Case and Point and other posts previously about the abstracting we offer. To be honest, I don't have a problem with anyone and absolutely love the interaction here, I am just responding in my defense to the others' posts! I even mentioned previously that I didn't think anyone's posts were derogatory in any way shape or form but was told in the case and point that the comments were derogatory. Just wish I would have seen the posts back then but wasn't on much! Everyone is certainly allowed their own opinion, it would just be better if they knew what the company does before summing it up and posting about it!!
Jason C. Sheppard
President and CEO
TruClose Financial Services, LLC
651 Holiday Drive
Foster Plaza 5, Suite 300
Pittsburgh, PA 15220
412-928-4686 FAX
412-417-5984 Mobile
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