Since when is it "un-Christian" to voice an opinion, make a political statement or to exchange a friendly jibe with a collegue? Who appointed you the arbiter of what constitutes acceptable Christian behavior?
The blatant hypocrisy of the diatribe you posted above is astounding. You accuse me of being judgmental while at the same time judging me. You may not agree with me, and that is your right, but how dare you question my commitment to Christ based on my statements on this forum?
I challenge you to find one statement that I have made here that could be construed as a personal attack, or was meant to bully or degrade anyone. As to pompous...well, OK, I'll give you that one. I may have strong opinions, and I am not shy about expressing them, but what you don't seem to realize is this: I don't attack...I defend. When someone attacks me, my family, my faith or my opinions, I will NEVER shy away from defending them to the best of my ability. As for the "Nazi" remarks, I guess you never saw the "Soup Nazi" episode of Seinfeld.
As long as we are in this world, there will be conflict. It would be nice if everyone got along and never disagreed about anything, but that's just not how the world works, young man. Truth to tell, I have a great deal of respect for you and all you have accomplished at such a young age. It is simply too bad that you feel you must "take your toys and go home".
I sign off wishing you much success in all of your endeavors.
Best regards,
Scott L. Perry, President
Jireh Business Information Solutions, Inc.
"And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?"
Jesus Christ, Matt 7:4, (KJV)
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