Well, I guess you are correct. If giving credit where credit is due, recognizing another company's practices as being sound and ethical, and expressing delight over meeting a new friend or group of friends from another company is patting them on the back, then I am guilty as charged. To me, it's not much different than sharing a funny story about a NALTEA get together with SOT members.
I guess, however, I would much rather pat another on the back for a good meeting or enjoyable time than gripe and moan about religion, politics, not getting paid, not getting enough work, what NALTEA does or does not do for me and the hundreds of other negative threads that eat up so much space on Source of Title and in our society as a whole.
I have dedicated myself to a more positive, caring and peacful 2006 not only professionally but personally as well. I also believe now more than ever that kindness and good words are returned to you 10 fold.
Thanks for the conversation...JT
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