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[+] UNFRIENDLY E-MAILS - Angelica Schneider/IN (8 replies)
1/18/2006 10:51:09 PM (2096 views)

[+] New positions at NALTEA - Robert Franco/OH (1 reply)
1/18/2006 12:31:13 PM (1951 views)

[-] You Don't Get No Respect - Kevin Ahern/CT (2 replies)
1/18/2006 9:20:20 AM (1975 views)
Re: You Don't Get No Respect - J.T. Shoemaker/NY
1/18/2006 10:31:05 AM (1791 views)


Your words could not be any more true!  If more communication, attention to detail and pride in ones work took place PRIOR to scheduling the closing, many hurdles would fall by the wayside.

What is even more frustrating is usually those who fail to communicate or "hide an issue" tend to be the first to point the finger.  It seems to be the other guy who dropped the ball.

I hope as our industry takes on different shapes and colors, we all consider what it is we offer and focus on providing that service to the very best of our abilities.  Whether or not it is through organizing or basic "stepping up to the plate" and leaving no stone unturned, many facets in our life and profession can and will improve...JT

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Re: You Don't Get No Respect - Wanda Steudel/OH
1/18/2006 6:52:19 PM (1830 views)

[+] So...what did you think? - Jay Duncan/MO (5 replies)
1/16/2006 11:26:11 PM (1979 views)

[+] Please go to www.besstitle.com for a very important message in upper right side of website! - Jason Sheppard/PA (8 replies)
1/16/2006 3:31:49 PM (2502 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Thank you US Title Search - Lisa Ramsey/TX (2 replies)
1/15/2006 11:04:54 AM (2225 views)

2006 NALTEA Winter Conference - January 14, 2006 - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
1/14/2006 3:00:36 PM (1492 views)

Naltea Winter Conference - First Night - Hospitality Suite - NALTEA/MO
1/13/2006 11:51:29 PM (1441 views)

[+] Drawing software from NALTEA Conf. - Spencer Kinsey/AR (3 replies)
1/13/2006 12:29:50 PM (1822 views)

[+] Parking - Nikky/FL (2 replies)
1/13/2006 9:15:05 AM (1831 views)

[+] Courthouse Connection - christine/MA (7 replies)
1/12/2006 1:44:34 PM (1988 views)

[+] Has anyone ever heard of DocuQuest or Big Sky Title?? - Patrick Furman/NY (4 replies)
1/12/2006 11:55:25 AM (2035 views)

[+] Anybody know about ZEN title? - Jim Riggs/IN (3 replies)
1/11/2006 9:48:14 PM (1884 views)

[+] You guys/gals are gonna love this ... - Ellen Malloy/MO (10 replies)
1/11/2006 3:44:27 PM (3185 views)

[+] Tolerance Please - Kevin Ahern/CT (2 replies)
1/11/2006 12:28:03 PM (1984 views)

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