Hi Judy, I have traveled the US, lol and am not blind nor dumb to the problems that exist here. You sound like you believe I am a supporter of the outsourcing. I certainly am not. Read the very first post and you'll see this is way out of the realm of the point in my first post, the attitude towards this industry specifically. Now, in regards to India and the other poor nations....Another fact that sets us a part from these poorer nations is we all (as private citizens) have the ability to help our brothers and sisters in need within our own country. The poorer nations can't, period. A lot of the rioting you hear about is political of course, or religious, but it is also civil unrest and battles for their familes' advancement and their ability to eat and survive. The USA as a government always lends a hand with it's foriegn policy to other nations in need. They should. Now, shouldn't we as citizens at least try (no matter how small of an effort it may be) to assist the people of the US ourselves? Believe it or not, the Government does a lot for needy people here. It just isn't broadcasted globally as it is when we assist in other areas of the world and many people have the following viewpoint due to this "Shouldn't we be focusing on our problems here rather than in another nation?". You bring up the point about the poor in your area specifically. Now, I ask, have you yourself done anything to help support these people? Has anyone directly made a valiant effort in their own areas? Sure, I am sure we all have in some regard. We each can do so much more, not just in this forum, but everyone. The problem is this, WE, COLLECTIVELY AS A NATION DO NOT! Some of us do, yes, but most people are either uneducated about it, don't see it in our neighborhoods (out of sight out of mind) or some sadly just do not care. We built the American Dream here for people and have followed it. Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Most people go for the happiness. There is nothing wrong with that, at all. It simply differs from the beliefs of other nations, as a poor family making $15,000 per year collectively in the US is nearly a millionaire in a third world country or a very poor one. No, Americans are not lazy, no, we are not ignorant. We just have more resources and naturally, that will affect us in our everday interactions and thus is the reason for the major contrast when comparing the US to other nations. Imagine having to worry about being killed for the religion you believe in or have to worry about your 9 year old working in a heroin creation facility. Not a problem many in the US face. Now, look at Japan for instance... Obviously not poor, but these people have an unbelievable work ethic and have a different value system than the US. There really is no end to this debate. It simply will never end and this will be my last post about it. I originally posted about the collective attitude towards our industry, and that is it. The rest is just facts and some insight of why large corporations are utilizing these nations. I'll end it with this.... If you owned a company such as a Citibank, First American (India) or an Expedia and if you could triple your profits and return an astronomical amount on your investment and ultimately take care of your loved ones and their children for generations, would you do it? None of us obviously have been in that situation previously and truly, nobody knows how different each of our lives would be if we were. Money affects people in very strange ways. People lie about it, kill their loved ones for it, sell theirselves for it, and god knows what else. We are actually complaining about it right now in our posts. I just think if presented with the opportunity, many would be surprised on where we stand on the situation. There is no way to answer yes or no unless you have actually been there. Wow, this is so far out from what my original post was. If anyone has any thoughts, please email me at jsheppard@besstitle.com. I don't think I can read another post on this subject, lol!!!
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