I have got to tell you: When I started doing marketing to law firms, one of the "catch phrases" was "Why should you outsource?" and then of course an explanation. Of course out sourcing is the business we are in. But I have to agree with all, let's keep it in the USA!
Kevins' post hit the nail on the head. We all know that each State, County or Municipality has its' own quirkes (did I spell that right?) The abstrractors that work in those places know what they are and how to work with them. Now I can give Mr. Joe India a index and handfull of information, but does he know how to contrue it, does he know what it means. How can he? Many jurisdictions have very differn't ways of doing things, unless you have learned and understand those practices, you are setting yourself up for disaster.
One another note, 'Insourcing' in the IT field has become somewhat popular. The premise being that: in rural areas without much of an economy, they are training folks to do IT work(who would otherwise be unemployed or working at below minimum wage). Although it still can't quite compete with overseas outsourcing, many firms are willing to spend the few extra dollars to work with US companies. There is a college professor in Arkansas who had had much success with this endeavor.
Anyway, I'm just ranting on now
Robert B.
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