Hi Kevin, I agree with much of what you say, for sure. I also attribute a lot of it to the abstractors not caring where their profession ends up (not anyone here for sure). This is a generality. However, title plants truly only affect vendor management companies in three major states:
1. California
2. Nevada
3. Arizona
Of course, there are numerous states that require title plants however, a vendor management company has to spend a tremendous amount of money to buy in to the plant. The amounts are astronomical. The 3 states above are no doubt the largest in terms of volume. Most companies set up a work share agreement through their underwriters which is free to the vendor management company and they still get paid a flat fee percentage based on their loan amounts.They also are free to conduct the settlement and thus is the reason for higher settlement fees. The only downside (for the company) to the work share agreement is they lose control of search times and commitment building and policy writing. Just though I'd shed a little light on the vendor management point of view of title plants but I am sure you all know this already! :)
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