I have been reading all these posts and staying silent like Wanda for awhile. I also had a busy week. However, this is my 2 cents now. If we gave volume discounts then we should never give discounts the other way. That is someone getting their cake and eating it too! They should have been saving their money from our volume discounts earlier to get through the hard times.
Everyone should write a letter that says, not only will we not give you a 3% discount, because of our costs vs. the volume of work we are now receiving, we will have to increase our fees by 5%. Please take remember we have in the past given you volume discounts of 10% or more in the past so a 5% increase is very minimal given the current conditions of the market and our ever increasing costs of traveling.
We can only blame ourselves if we accept companies telling us what our fees will be and keep dictating how we are to conduct OUR business! THEY are telling abstractors our prices, when our turnaround time is, and that we have to hold all THEIR costs for 30 days or more. Re-read what I just said then all of you that are accepting this - wear a sign that says "I was made a fool today!"
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