Rachel you are absolutely correct about the sales force for the VM's. I can remember blessing them out (under my breath of course) so many times. I was in operations, we were never consulted as to whether we thought we could deliver what was being "sold". We just had to find a way to do it, and or course if we couldn't -- then it was our fault. Most of the upper management I worked with were from the financial industry, I was one of the few with any title experience. They knew nothing about title or the search process. I always thought it would be good to be able to send the office personnel out in the field and bring the abstractors into the office, just so they could see what the other person has to deal with. I was able to do that in some cases. And I need to tell you----every single person that had this experience, preferred abstracting. Some of the office personnel actually went out & trained and became very good abstractors.
My point is, we can not lay the blame at the person on the other end of the phone, for doing what they have been told to do. They have to take responsibility for their attitude, which is deplorable in some cases. But the ultimate resposibility rests at the top.
Wow two days in a row for posting. I guess this thread must have hit a chord with me.
Wanda Steudel
AccuSearch Co
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