The settlement fee is in ADDITION to all the other fees you listed, plus a few more "creative" fees. For example, "title endorsement fees," which as far as I know aren't filed with the CT Insurance commission (our local title companies do not charge extra for a variable rate or condo endorsement). $50 to overnight a mortgage payoff seems a little excessive. The two document preparation fees: one by the lender and one by the title company. When is the last time anyone saw a "re-issue discount" for a lender's policy being issued within two to three years of the last lender's policy?
Granted, I have seen many "honest" HUD-1As with conservative fees or bundled services that are reasonable. I have nothing against the national companies their attempts to bundle services and speed up the process. It just seems the lenders and "settlement agents" through the national services have lost sight of "saving the consumer money."
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