Just my 2 cents, Certain VM's have been going with the price decrease for at least 3 years.
I have not heard of any lenders getting a break on the package to encourage their loyalty.
Some abstractors went for it with the promise of volume(which they did not get). Some didn't and lost what may have
been a good client. But the VM's are also hiring incompetent employees in their offices
with slow communications, they don't return calls, they give the lenders a hard time, I
mean who do they work for? It is an all around bad situation. Then they send memo's on
missed liens, etc. Well what do you think you are getting using low priced second rate
abstractors. Maybe before they ask the abstractor to take a cut in pay they should take
a course in efficiency, then they won't be paying good money to bad employees. Then they
could spare an extra 3% to what is the backbone of the industry. Sometimes it is frustrating
when they call and say oh could you go get a copy from that county that is 50 miles away.
WHAT??? YOU WANT TO GET PAID FOR THAT??? I think all aspects of the industry need a reality check.
Like I said just my 2 cents, or a portion of it anyway.
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