We all have to find a way to adapt to the changing times so that we are the survivors- so that those of us that want to not willing to give in to all the VM madness, cost cutting and all that seems to go along with that relatively new process of having a title done by the cheapest system available. While I was creating a data base of every subdivision I had done, every acreage case I ever did and a way to detail all the information I was extracting from each case I did and making my system of title examination as efficient as possible and as cost effective as I could, along came the counties with their on line systems that fit right into what I had spent all those years developing, just never knowing how it was all going to come together-all that was back 10 yrs ago- and since then I have continued to improve what I have everyday- even if I am not busy, there is always one more subdivision to run and be ready for when that call comes in- and next week I'll start on a whole new way to do everything I do now, although it will be a better product for my customers, it will be my next generation of title examination.
I don't know what two weeks from now will bring, but I welcome it as just one more opportunity to overcome.
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