I apreciate your displeasure regarding your ex-employee, but agree with the other remarks about it being inappropriate to even mention the person by name and discouraging others to do business with them.
I met you and your lovely wife at the conference in Florida and believe you to be a person of integrity. I know you are upset and it is hard to contain yourselfl. I have been in your same shoes myself, more than once. I know I was so mad my initial thought was to get even and tell the world what bad people they are.
We have a non compete agreement that all employees must sign when they are hired. I have never put it in play yet, as the cost to file an injunction and go through with all that is legally required is huge. Also, depending on your state law, not too sure if it will turn out to your advantage after all is said and done.
I have had 4 different companies that have taken the vendors I have recruited, to launch their business and attempted to take some of our clients. I am sure they have got a handful of business from that, but the truth is, if I keep my clients happy they will stay with us, or come back again if they decide to test the waters elsewhere.
Actually I have found that it really motivates me to improve my customer service and I put my energy into making our company even better. I believe that these 4 companies that have taken my information and ideas is paying me the ultimate compliment. Put that energy where it will do some good.
I am sorry you have to experience this, I know it is a huge let down. It's very difficult not to take it personally, because it is personal! We have dedicated ourselves to making our employees happy and trusting them with our baby. It is also ego involved, as we THINK we have trained the ultimate trusting, loyal and dedicated employee, that would never do us wrong. Well, we were wrong. All you can do is do the best you can, and keep trusting and believing in yourself. It will all come out in the end.
Best of luck to you. You are welcome to contact me anytime and vent. I am sure you need it.
Sharon Yahraes
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