No hornet's nest, Scott. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. As I said in my earlier post I am against aliens entering our country illegally. To that extent we are in agreement. However, what did impress me is the method by which they made their position known...exercising their right to peaceful assembly and freedom of speech.Reminded me of the anti war and civil rights protests of the late 1960's in which I participated.
While attorneys may not always agree with the content of the speech, they do have an obligation to defend the speaker's right to make the speech when called upon to do so.
Will the demonstration have any effect on the legislation of Congress? Probably not. These are disenfranchised people who have no representation. However, it was refreshing to see the nobodies stand up to be heard. They should not be here in the first place, but the realities of the situation are that they are here. The question is how do you deal with it. The INS has not been effective in preventing their entry. I doubt that the INS will be anymore effective in deporting them all...millions of them.
From what I heard on the news this morning the impact of the protest had mixed reviews depending upon the area of the country. Here in Connecticut turn out was modest, but apparently the response was more active in the larger cities. Like the attendance the impact on local economies was also mixed. In some areas it had practically no effect at all. In other areas the impact was quite the opposite. One manager of a construction site in California that was interviewed was really upset. His construction site was completely shut down for the day...costs him a lot of money. These are jobs that most Americans do not want...low pay and no benefits.
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