Go ahead and vent anytime! Everyone can relate to what you are saying in some form or another. The industry is changing, and if we as abstractors are to retain a position with our clients, we too will have to change too, to what degree remaihns to be seen.
What we see in our area, in Georgia. Is that you have those few, who have very little experience as abstractors, charging lower than normal fees, just to snag the client, then low and behold, the work is inferior, copy fees are increased, mileage is added, and eventually the VM's and Lenders are paying as much, if not more, than they had originally. One key factor, is that the work is of far less quality. So then they all come running back! Sometimes if takes that in order to know when you have a good thing. We are in contact with several abstractors within our state and several other states as well, and this is happening all over.
Eventually, this will come back to haunt the abstractor who cut corners and those who hired them. It always does.
Best of Luck!
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