Appeasement and accomodation do not work. The more you give in to service accomodations, mobile office expenses and price reductions dictated by the VM's whim, the more they will demand from you. The abstractors need to impress upon these clients the importance of the work they perform. Perhaps a 48-72 hour work stopage will accomplish this. Nothing else seems to work.
I was impressed today by the national strike called by illegal aliens to demand recognition of the importance of the work they perform. As much as I disagree with aliens entering our country illegally, I have to respect their methods of making their point known. I was impressed that they were able to cite the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution more articulately than most Americans. With all the language barriers and cultural clashes, somehow they were able to organize this within a very short time. Are the abstractors any less capable?
Of course you run the risk of having the low ballers rush in to scoop up the business, but perhaps they will not be able to handle the overwhelming volume. The market is already headed in that direction. At the very least the abstractors would have the satisfaction of knowing that the did not simply sit back and take it. Then again it is difficult to get the abstractors to organize anything which changes the status quo.
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