I have to comment on the quality of the title plants that are now in use after years of building up the files from "lot files" rather than sub-files, The longer they are in use, the worse they get- eventually they will reflect no easements or unique exceptions for the lots, there will be numerous "misses" as a result of using these seriously diluted plants.I have worked for a number of the big title companies in the past and have experienced the methods that they use to complete cases- always from a diluted title plant-if one can even call it a "title plant", they are closer to a "weed patch" that has been treated with "Round Up".
I do hope the big companies took the time to approve this "cost saving" move with their respective shareholders, as they will the the last to feel the claims that will result from this sub-standard work they are using to reap the big savings and big bonuses too!! I wonder what the financials will look like for these companies in 3-5 years.
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