I can relate to your position, Pam. When our company is asked to lower our fees, we simply say no. If they want to go out and get someone who is a "fly by night", be our guest. For the most part, as with anything, you get what you pay for.
One of our better clients, asked us to lower prices , and although we hated to say no, we did. (they are still our better clients!) I value my time and the abstractors that work for us. Why devalue our services for someone, who may or may not be around tomorrow, because there will always be someone out there with lower fees? It amazes me still, since it appears that many abstractors are playing this game. As long as we as abstractors play the game, you can bet the vendor management companies and lenders will. Why would they change? We as a whole, need to set some sort of standard, and stick by it. Our work is invaluable to this industry and it's not going to change anytime soon.
Good for you Pam for not lowering your prices, stick to your guns! Sometimes we must take a risk, in order to reap a better reward in the end.
"If a man isn't willing to take some risk for his opinions, either his opinions are no good or he's no good"
Ezra Pound
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