I have been dealing with this--not from a title standpoint--but from a consumer standpoint. Unfortunately, in the last month, I have had the "opportunity" to call tech support or customer service for several different issues. In ALL cases I have spoken to a person who is not understandable speaking a version of English that is so far removed from the Queen's English it's laughable. Not to mention that I have found that persons from that area of the world tend to mumble their words. I finally hung up on the operator I was speaking with yesterday after asking him to repeat the same sentence 4 times. Not to mention that they have no ability to have INDEPENDENT thought. Every word they "speak" is scripted from a flow-chart system. If I say "x" then they say "y". The person I spoke to yesterday returned to the SAME sentence 3 times even though I told him what the problem was. It evidently didn't conform to his "system" of knowledge.
I HAVE found a possible solution to the frustration. I go online to the company's website and find the corporate office. I call the main number even if it is a long distance call. I advise the receptionist that when I tell her why I'm calling, she MUST transfer me to someone PHYSICALLY in the United States--who speaks ENGLISH! You'd think they'd just transfer me to the same customer service number, but they ALWAYS giggle (like they know why I'm saying that) and pass me to the appropriate person. It has worked at least 5 times in the last month---one of which was Hewlett Packard. Now for the title issues--that's another story.
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