you are simply preaching the gospel of abstracting reality.
The fact is, there is great profit in most transactions, but title companies, as all business does, is trying to maximize it, and they have decided those who search it should be treated, financially, the same as the person who takes your order in the drive-through window...demand things now, or yesterday, and they want it off the 99-cent menu.
When they have the leverage, due to market variables, they can do what they want, but as someone told me (she knows her name, that smart chick), how come we are expected to give discounts for volume but don't catch the break the other way when there is no volume.
NALTEA is a great idea, but how do you change the way business has always been done? No contracts, being pinched, etc.
Don't wish to have a limited mindset, but other than offering strong service and quality work and hoping more counties don't end up online (a former client of mine says they can do all work in my local county online now...if they only knew how many documents get inputted incorrectly, they wouldn't roll the dice), I don't have the answers.
Your post was interesting and informative.
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