Thank you Kevin,
"There are a number of legal approaches that can be taken. David Bloys has been at the forefront of preventing online dissemination of personal information. He is to be applauded for his work. A more effective approach to lobbying state and federal government needs to be organized. Court actions such as those in Michigan need to be commenced."
I'm not sure which court actions you are speaking of here. I worked with some of the counties in Michigan on one of the cases, but these cases were brought by some of the national title companies. The title companies lost, by the way, on every issue. They lost all the way through the Michigan lower courts and finally at the Federal level. The judges seemed to recognize the title companies were attempting to exploit the taxpayers and were as offended as the rest of us. Now the title companies are trying to win in legislation what the courts denied them.
In addition to joining NALTEA I would encourage anyone who values this industry and is a member of ALTA or the state equivalent rebuke them by withdrawing membership. This organization is a puppet of the big five and continually lobbies against the best interests of industry as a whole.
NALTEA member or not, there is much individual independent can do to contribute. Each of you is an expert at document examination. Examine the documents your counties have put online. Find the personal information "SS#'s, DL#s, DOB's, Signatures and anything else you can find. Concentrate on the county leaders, but do not ignore the average citizen. Then let the people know what their own elected officials is doing to them for the sake of their own convenience. Take the results of your study to local newspapers, television and radio talk programs. Let the people know and watch their reaction. They will call for the immediate removal of the information from the Internet or the immediate removal of the offending official.
If you want something to hand out at the courthouse or anywhere for that matter, you can use the NALTEA press release from last year concerning online records or you are welcome to use any of the materials I have gathered or written. The Lives of Three Citizens and Courthouse for Sale - Cheap are two of my favorites.
You can join and help identity theft and stalking victims understand how their own county has put them at risk and show them what they can do to protect their familes. is a joint effort of Jan Forster, myself, and anyone else who cares to devote a little time.
Or, you can just do nothing and watch your community, your business and your identity be sold off to foreign interests. It's up to you.
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