Sadly enough, I am not suprised with your rebuttal. I am however confused as to why you post here. If I were to choose a profession for you it may be along the lines of mortician. As far as adressing your remarks.... I really don't know what to say other than, kill-joy? The kind of change your speaking of requires some sort of drastic move against the cold calculated planning from the big five, for years now. There are motivators and antagonists in this world Mr. Ahern and I dare say you are definately the latter. Do you have some sort of plan to thwart the conglomerates? Are you sitting by in the shadows with some master plan waiting for the right moment in time to spring it upon us in all your cunning grandeur?
Anyone can point out the obvious Mr. Ahern, that's not what we need. You seem to be a very intelligent person, unless you're an attorney, so what, besides some grandios statements, would you do if you had infinite pocketbooks and plans?
as far as my history on this forum. yes I am new, but my grnadfather started in this business in 1955 as a real estate attorney and my family for the last three generations have dedicated our lives and dinner conversation to this business.
For the record sir, truth cannot be found in a court room, it can only be intepreted there. Truth is in your heart.
Steak, Grilled squash and twiced bakes on the grill at my house if anyone wants to come over. =) Time for dinner!
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