Well George,
As usual you missed the point, and in so doing you never fail to disappoint me. "Cowboy mentality"...I think not. It is simply an observation and an expression of disgust in seeing an honorable occupation slide down the tubes. You will pardon me, but you are new to this board. I and many others have been observing the same complaints for nearly two years. Little has changed in that time. There have been numerous proposals...none have been adopted. Nor are they likely to be. "Calling out the plays"... No, It is simply recognizing the truth of the situation. "One united voice winning over dissasociative powers that be"...where do you see one united voice? That is precisely the problem. There is none.
"Your keen insight of how to approach the problem legal, marketing, educational, etc. is exactly what a group does"... You will pardon me, but what group are you talking about, and where are these efforts expended?
"Naltea could become more powerful than any lobbyist group in the nation"...very possible, but it is not there yet...possibly years before it reaches that stage. There is an immediate problem which cannot wait years to be resolved. There are other more effective means provided you can get participation of the abstractors. I have nothing against Naltea. It is a fine organization, but the abstractors need something stronger right now.
Please spare me the analogies about the American Revolution and the Civil War. I was a history minor in my undergraduate work. I think a more appropriate analogy is the trade union movement of the 1930's.
You will have to excuse my candor, but I work in a court room where the search for truth is often an arduous task, but eventually it comes to light. I think you know where you can put your humble opinion.
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