The industry has changed drastically, and continues to do so rapidly. The biggest obstacle that you face as abstractors is apathy. You seem to lack the ability to agree on anything and to follow through with a united plan of attack. You need to approach the problem from a number of different perspectives: You need a multi-front approach to the problem. Until you do nothing will change. You need to find the weak link in the problem, and focus your attention there.
Naltea is not the answer. It 's objectives are commendable and its intentions mean well, but it simply lacks the muscle to accomplish the job. In time that may change, but right now you need a more effective approach to the problem. This may infuriate many of you, but it does not make it any less true.
Michael Persyn's posting below pretty much sums up the condition of the abstractor today and his challenges.So far I have heard constant complaints about the changes in the industry, but little in the way of constructive solutions to the problem. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX.
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