First of all, this thread is clearly marked as an off-topic post, and I'm certainly not forcing anyone to read it if they choose not to.
Would you consider it a "minor annoyance" if the "objectionable behavior" was taking place in your back yard on a daily basis? I certainly wouldn't.
However, in digressing into a dissertation on public urination, you are ignoring the larger issue of our country being invaded by groups like La Raza (The Race), whose stated goal is what is referred to as "Reconquista", or reconquest of the western United States. They don't want to assimilate into our cuture, Kevin. They want to abolish it. Those protesters you saw on May 1 aren't asking to be accepted into our society; they reject it altogether.
"Aztlan", as they refer to it, is the fictional ancestral homeland of the Aztecs and covers an area of about seven states. This is the area that they claim the U. S. should surrender to La Raza once enough immigrants, legal and illegal, enter to claim a majority. The current borders of the United States as we know it would cease to exist.
This isn't an immigration issue, Kevin. It's a national security issue. We're being invaded, and we'd better wake up before it's too late.
But what do I know? I'm just a right-wing kook!
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