We seem to be infuriating a lot of people on this site with this thread. Therefore, I will keep my response short, and this will be my final comment on this particular thread in the forum. If you want to continue the discussion, please feel free to contact me by email so that we do not burden the other members.
The examples of the objectionable behaviour you cited seem to be a bit extreme, but if so, would constitute a minor annoyance rather than serious criminal behaviour. In fact, I recently saw a 100% American citizen hauled up in front of a judge for this conduct. I think the embarrassment of having his conduct ( public urination in the parking lot of a tavern) revealed in a court room full of people by a prosecutor was enough to avoid future repetition of the problem. Although depending on the circumstances I suppose that the defendant could be classified as a sex offender in some states, and require him to register as such...certainly a career killer, and most embarressing when one's neighbors receive their notification of the objectionable conduct.
Do I find the deportation of illegal aliens to be too expensive? I suppose it is a question of priorities. I think the expenditure of tax dollars for this purpose is a losing proposition. I would much rather see the funds expended on something with a better return on the dollar such as universal health care.
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