Not really Vikki. It was the usual dog and pony show. Alot of ra-ra speeches from company reps. Too many workflow software people. Apparently they see the incompetence of title companies to properly manage their files as the next big boom. It was truely disappointing. I got a chance to speak with alot of title company owners in the halls and found they are all experiencing the same problems with lowball abstractors and companies constantly asking them to lower fees. I imagine there is a different title company closing it's doors every day across the nation. We have an epidemic in our industry. I hate to be so negative, but if we don't do something soon, it's gonna get alot worse. My consulting contract is nearly up and I quite honestly don't know what I'm going to do yet. I could go back to abstracting, but then I would be part of the problem. The only way I could get clients starting out would be to lowball every other company and I won't do that.
Too much we all talk about the honorable way of doing business and sticking to our guns and whatnot, unfortunately, reality is something different. We will all have a choice to make in the near future. We can adapt to the market and sacrifice our morals and stance. Or, we can bow out gracefully. God I hate talking like this but I experienced some serious innocence lost in the past three months.
I sat across from our own OLTA reps and watched them lie to a congresswoman, and have seen software companies replace human intelligence, maybe I'll go work in the yard for a couple of days and see if I can shake this attitude.
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