Hi Jay. Below is a copy of the email I sent Kurt on this.
Hi Kurt. I spoke to Skip's attorney. His name and phone number are Steve Snyder, 315-706-0042. He seemed like a decent, helpful guy, who also isn't getting paid by Skip, but is willing to talk to folks like us. Doesn't want to, as it's time consuming and for free, but does do it out of common decency. He told me that Skip is in a "walk-away" situation, meaning that he did not file bankruptcy and just walked away from the whole situation. Therefore people can still suit him. He said that the problem is that anyone filing a law suit, does so in line behind many others already suing him for millions. So good luck getting any money. My lawyer agrees.
The only thing I guess one could possibly do, if they could prove any criminal intent, like intentionally defrauding us all, rather than just not able to pay, is to report him to the authorities. I hear this guy is pretty shady, but one would really need some hard core proof like his employees signing affidavits stating criminal occurrences in Skip's company. But I don't know the ins and outs of all that.
If anyone has any bright ideas, I'm interested.
Scott Tregurtha, President
AccuQuick Abstracting, Inc.
600 Ridge Road
North Arlington, NJ 08530
(201) 991-5656
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