I really have to disagree with you. I think Ellen and Wanda have taken a very insightful approach to the membership problem of Naltea. All of the objectives you have stated are very laudible in the long term. The problem is that in the short term the abstractors are going out of business everyday. By the time Naltea attains its long term goals there may be few abstractors left to participate.
I think that many abstractors are questioning why they should pay a $200.00 membership fee, and not see any tangible return on the payment. Asking them to contribute their time on top of it without remuneration is even less attractive. This is pretty much the opinion I have. I will not pay $200.00 for nothing in return. However, I will certainly help Ellen or any one else that has a positive plan which is targeted at producing tangible financial results for the abstractors. I think Naltea needs to address the immediate needs of the abstractors in order to appreciate a more positive response. In two years to what concrete accomplishment can Naltea point that has produced results for the abstractors? I think that Naltea has a place of leadership in the industry, but not in its present form.
Ellen's idea is the first positive step in the right direction that I have seen since I began posting on this board. It may or may not work, but I think she is right to try. This is an opportunity in which Naltea can show positive gain. If the plan is not feasible there are others to be considered. When Naltea can show some accomplishment that has actually benefitted the abstractors, your membership rolls will increase. If you have an all inclusive plan which includes disciplines other than abstracting (signing agents, appraisers, surveyors, etc.) your associate memberships will also increase.
Please take a less insular view of the problem, and consider the needs of the abstractors that may be potential members in the future.
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