Ellen, kudos for your brainstorming. I am on the board of directors for Naltea, and I wanted to respond to the idea that Naltea should be transformed into some sort of business cooperative for the purpose of generating title business for it's members. I'll start by saying that I disagree...and here's why.
Naltea was created because we as title examiners and abstractors had no voice at all. Our industry has deteriorated to the point that those we service in this industry appear to place no value on our experience or knowledge. The general public as a rule doesn't even know what a title search is! It appears to me that the mega title corporations (with the cooperation of ALTA) is looking for ways to short cut the abstract process regardless of liability issues. Our fees have remained stagnant or decreased for the most part.
Now, with Naltea, we have an opportunity to band together as an industry and demand, no, DEMAND, change on a federal level. We have the opportunity to bring to the public's attention the effects of greed exhibited by the large corporation's wholesale marketing of our private information in the GLOBAL market. We can insure that every citizen understands that the local public records should not now or ever be made available through technology to the world. The public record was created for the local government that funds the collection, period. We can lobby for experienced abstractors and title examiners through local certification and/or licensing at a State level. We can demand to be recoginized as the professionals we are.
This is what I see for Naltea. If we become an organization who's purpose is to simply generate business, we are nothing more than a participant in our downfall as an industry.
It is my hope that more of you will join Naltea. We can make a difference with numbers. The active members of Naltea are all in the same boat as those who choose not to join. We do have a common cause.
The Education Committee is working hard to pull together meaningful certification to prove that Naltea members have a committment to competancy, education, and ethics. The Membership Committee is actively pursuing benefits for us to reward us for our dedication and commitment to the goals of Naltea. Check out the web site for other commitees you can participate in and help us to grow Naltea into an organization with clout. As we get our name out, prove our committment to education, and as our membership grows, the companies you want to service will look for Naltea members first. Your membership and involvment in Naltea can bring about this work and its results sooner rather than later.
Please visit the website and www.naltea.org. I've also taken the liberty of posting the mission and goals.
There has been talk in the past of creating the type of organization you are speaking of now....perhaps that can be brought up again. Using Naltea is not the answer.
Lynn Hammett, Member
Board of Directors
The mission of the Association shall be:
“To foster better understanding between the membership and others involved in the title profession, to provide information and education to the membership and others, and to assist the members in providing quality service to their clients.”
The objectives of the Association shall be:
To establish and maintain uniform standards and practices for the profession of land records abstracting by setting forth guidelines for training, experience and ethical conduct.
To foster better relationships among title examiners/abstractors and those whom they serve, i.e., title insurers, lending institutions, attorneys and other land title professionals.
To provide information and education to the membership of the Association; to members of local, state and federal legislatures having jurisdiction over the land title industry; to consumers; and to businesses engaging in the transfer of ownership interests in real estate.
To promote understanding and awareness of the importance of the proper examination, abstracting and reporting of land title records.
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