I am posting here at the top because it is just easier that way. I have a comment for Jim. While I have never worked for your company, even though I sit in the same city as your sister company, Allen, TX, I believe that if vendor management companies (or other businesses) took a proactive approach to problems there would be much less anomosity involved. If there is a problem with your accounting, or if you are getting behind on invoices, or any other reason your company is not functioning at its full capacity, then I believe the company should send out mass emails BEFORE the anomosity starts to all their abstractors or other vendors that they owe money to giving a brief explanation of what is going on and a period of time that the abstractor or company can depend on to be contacted and/or paid and make sure it is the truth. Too many abstractors are being stiffed out there. I don't think any of us believe that banks, mortgage companies or title companies are stiffing any one of you.
And, in my opinion if you paid abstractors over $10,000,000 in 7 years that means you made even more than that - I think you should have put some of that money away for these times. Whenever my times are good, I put money away for the slow periods.
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