I think every client knows that there are exceptions to every rule. If I run across something unusual such as someone owning property for 40 years it would depend on a number of factors - the county that had to be searched and the name that had to be searched. I would always call the client with a price change before proceeding. I had an incident where an attorney drafted and filed amended multi-county deeds of trusts on a chain of convenient stores - an out of state attorney. He used no legals in the D/Ts but only referenced the volume and page of the D/T along with the county that the original was filed. I might have been searching one of the 6 in that county and had to read every single listed store to find my county and D/T. It was really a mess. I called up and priced them different than my quote and it was agreed to. I really haven't received much else from that company but since I only produced the commercial deeds they couldn't really see what I was up against, only how I explained it. They had given me like one or two in about 5 counties. And every county may have had 5-10 stores also owned by this person and every D/T had about 30-40 listed vol/pages only and county only per instrument from every county in Texas. It was very time consuming. There were some other variables that I cannot remember - I'm getting old.
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