....constantly short-pay, no-pay, late-pay on orders all the time....We would jump through all the hoops to get them the info they wanted and it still wasn't good enough....we were use to being 6 months out with them .....well it's not hard to do the "cash-flow-math" on that.......
So this gives you the right to do the EXACT SAME THING TO US???? We, who are at the bottom of the food chain, with the LEAST amount of cash flow available? Why should WE as abstractors jump through hoops for YOU and not be paid? How many times have we been told "THAT INVOICE ISN'T IN OUR SYSTEM, CAN YOU RESEND THAT" by persons on your staff?
Why should MY COMPANY bear YOUR burdens? Why should MY COMPANY go out of business so YOU can stay IN BUSINESS? Am I supposed to tell my employees---sorry, but Contemporary hasn't paid us for that search yet so I can't pay you? Would I HAVE employees if they waited as long as I have for your payment?
The answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT! My employees expect their check for the work they have done. They get paid! Now, I want to be PAID for WORK that MY COMPANY was contracted to do by YOURS!
You want everyone here on this forum and the obviously hundreds of companies that you are "SLOW" to pay to just sit and wait because YOU have clients that are "SLOW" to pay? I'm supposed to feel sorry for you that we are "banging on your door" for stuff that is "60 days old"? Why should I HAVE TO? Especially since the agreement between both parties at the beginning of the relationship was 30 DAYS? How unbelievably arrogant! Cry me a river!
What's the answer? It's very, very simple! Pay close attention!
1. I pay my employees.
2. I decide that a client is a dead-beat so I cut them off (MONTHS AGO BY THE WAY).
3. YOU pay ME!
4. YOU decide that a client is a dead-beat so YOU cut them off!
This is how business is done EVERYDAY! Since you purport to be IN BUSINESS, act as though you are--start RUNNING your business.
I said these exact same things (albeit a little nicer) to you back in March and I was ASSURED by YOU personally that you understood and appreciated my point and were doing EVERYTHING possible to rectify the situation. Then.....NOTHING until two days ago when I decided to make my point a little CLEARER!.
This "temporary cash flow problem" has been an issue with you for almost 18 months (for what I can gather by past posts) and you indicated as much in your post that this is a problem you've seen "for years" so please spare us the "we're working on it" garbage. What you ARE doing is moving on to the next abstractor just about the time your UN-PAYABLES reach the $2000 to $3000 mark, since COINCIDENTALY that is the range of money you owe all of the people I personally know about.
As I told you the other day within my demand letter, a business that can't RUN its business in a proper manner should be reported to its business partners (and other entities in which it is a member, having agreed by joining to abide by professional ethics) its inability to conduct its business.
You closed your South Carolina office MONTHS ago to "increase cash-flow" and yet it doesn't seem to help! If MY COMPANY, which I own, has cash-flow problems, I (ME, MYSELF) go without a paycheck. When was the last time you tried THAT little tactic to improve your "cash-flow problem"?
I know you're going to come back at me and be VERY defensive, but I strongly suggest that IF it is true that you have clients that don't pay you, that you sit for a few minutes before you start typing and THINK about how that makes you feel, about how you WORRY about whether you'll still be in business this time next year everytime YOUR receivables get way behind. AFTER you've had that little "think", THEN respond and try to tell me and others on this forum to whom you owe money that WE'RE the ones who need to wait PATIENTLY!
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