Well you don't know their qualifications. Anyone that will do that certainly can't be used to making any money nor have any "business" sense in what the cost of doing business is all about. When they find out how hard they worked and what their bottom line dollar amount turns up being - perhaps they will rethink the fee.
As far as charging "HIGH" for 8 hour turn time on a full search, I would have to have no other work to coplete it in the first place in some of my counties with large populations - too many records to look through. I guess it depends on what counties you work. All I can reiterate is it is all our own fault - it is the same as enabling a child - you give a company some rope - they are going to yank it even more. Perhaps if some abstractors had some better parenting skills they would have better business skills. Just by talking with people on here you can tell it does make a difference. I have come to the conclusion that Loretta has good parenting skills - seems she also has good business skills. It's being able to be in true control of your life, your relationships and your business. When you lose this and give it away, you will suffer in all aspects - (such as enabling a child or letting some other business determine what your business' fees and turn times are). Not to say I couldn't comply with some of what a business needs but in my case I would have to say I can probably accommodate you in this county - but in this county I would need this much time, etc.
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