... and there is nothing wrong with your thoughts Wendi. I don't disagree with what you were saying just the manner in which it was said. Perhaps Cheryl would not have responded how she did if you had contacted her privately. I would have been just as mortified and embarassed as she was. I have a bad habit with email and forums of writing what I am thinking... not always paying attention to grammar and punctuation. If it was not for spell check I would be in big trouble.
I hope you continue to ask for help Cheryl. Talk to as many abstractors as you can... we are all different and we all have something we can teach you. Take your time and go slowly... learn your craft. You sound very nervous about all of this Cheryl. Perhaps you should try to get on with a local title company. If they can't afford to hire you than offer your services for nothing for a few months... what you learn will be far more valuable than money. David and I worked with a mentor for several months. He loved it because we also did all his grunt work for nothing. It was a win/win situation for us all.
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