Cheryl: Judy has given you another good push to continue with your quest, we all make mistakes, just no way to avoid it, it can be your fault, the clerk's fault for mis-indexing or improper document preparation, which seems to be the new front runner anymore due to sloppy lender requirements or not reviewing documents for accuracy-no mater where it happens, you just have to learn where to look for the high incident error fields with in a document. You will find each Clerk's office seems to do things "just a little different" and you need to know those quirks for each county you plan to work in, spend some time in one or two counties to learn those and ask the questions of abstractors in those counties, I am sure they will be glad to offer some insight that will be of great benefit to you , I know from my experience that I would never be able to do what I do with out having spent years in those record rooms learning what makes them tick, even though now I only do cases from the "on-line" counties, it still was the foundation that allows me and many others to be able to do our respective jobs and turn in those cases . Unlike many on here , I am a "pro" on-line advocate, if executed properly and with the ethics required to protect the documents,unlike some of the unscrupulous clerks that are out to sell their constituents valuable information just to make a future buck as has been pointed out in Texas and Arizona, they are the way of the future, after all, we no longer hand write the deeds into the books, we no longer type the indexing strips that were once used to add entries to the indexes and we no longer have to lift those heavy deed books or heavier indexes either. I believe that fixing the mistakes that have been demonstrated by those "bad" clerk's and having the ethics and necessary security to insure the protection the public demands and is required to make it work is the answer rather than just taking the on-line systems down and reverting to "hand writing" once again.
Steve Meinecke
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