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[-] Real Title Services,Inc. - Smitty Strickland/SC (15 replies)
2/13/2020 3:22:51 PM (3133 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Ron Beavers/FL
2/13/2020 4:05:45 PM (2310 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Smitty Strickland/SC
2/13/2020 4:13:00 PM (2105 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Naomi Backes/NC
2/14/2020 12:28:39 AM (2239 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Angela Sharp/CA
2/28/2020 9:08:51 PM (1685 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Angela Sharp/CA
2/28/2020 9:07:37 PM (1813 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Paula Reynolds/FL
3/16/2020 10:17:25 AM (1426 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Karen Knuth/NY
2/18/2020 7:39:39 AM (1744 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - F P/VA
2/18/2020 9:36:04 AM (1814 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Angela Sharp/CA
2/28/2020 9:07:00 PM (1616 views)

Dear FP,

I understand your concern.  We are asking for people’s fees to be entered into our new system, as we have just created an application to track jobs better.  This is a proprietary application for us, in our company only.  Vendor info, client info, etc. would never be shared or sold. It’s a totally secure system. This is a high-powered WHOLE office application.  Only our staff has access, and this is not a directory or clearing-house type of site.  This is strictly a portal where our title searcher vendors can get into our system and add in their information, fees, coverage, products, and upload W9s, E&O, licensing, etc.  We want to go live using our new super-tool soon.  Just wanted to give searchers the opportunity to get their info into the system so we could pick them for our work.  We don’t do anything with our vendor fees other than use the fees when we assign work.  We don’t get your fees and review them and then change our fees or try to undersell you, or anything like that.  I understand that you may be able to tell who some of our clients are because you may recognize search instructions, but we don’t know who your clients are, so we can’t go to your clients and do anything as a result of having your fees.  We don’t know who any of our vendors’ other clients are; we don’t know what fees they give to other people—we don’t know anything other than, our vendors tell us how much we have to pay them when we send them a job.  If you want us to send you jobs, we have to know how much to pay you.  That’s the only reason we are asking for fees.



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Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Rickea James/AL
2/28/2020 6:49:35 PM (1662 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Naomi Backes/NC
3/3/2020 11:10:00 PM (1521 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Rickea James/AL
3/3/2020 11:26:36 PM (1476 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Rickea James/AL
3/3/2020 11:26:39 PM (1443 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Rickea James/AL
3/3/2020 11:26:40 PM (1428 views)
Re: Real Title Services,Inc. - Rickea James/AL
3/3/2020 11:26:43 PM (1539 views)

[+] PNA Title Services LLC - Jay Duncan/MO (2 replies)
2/10/2020 1:28:09 PM (2330 views)

PRISTINE - Jason Knowles/AL
2/5/2020 11:34:55 AM (1845 views)

1/31/2020 11:36:50 PM (2265 views)

[+] ATR | Applied Technology Resources, Inc. - AMANDA SELIG/AR (11 replies)
1/31/2020 6:49:20 PM (2872 views)

Real Title Services

[+] WHAT HAPPEN TO DANA R. BIBLE - Vincent Clarance/CA (2 replies)
1/27/2020 3:03:24 AM (2627 views)

[+] Zapdesk - Jay Duncan/MO (6 replies)
1/21/2020 3:31:41 PM (2063 views)

Tn Title Pro - Vincent Clarance/CA
1/20/2020 6:59:08 PM (1579 views)

[+] Sovereign Naturak Resources Inc. - Larry Platt/PA (8 replies)
1/20/2020 11:15:08 AM (1949 views)

1/17/2020 2:24:06 PM (2921 views)

[+] Is Florida an "Attorney State"? - William Duncan/NC (4 replies)
1/14/2020 2:05:37 PM (2197 views)

[+] Docxpad LLC - Scott Dickson/TN (2 replies)
1/13/2020 4:47:23 PM (2262 views)

[+] Dana R Bible - Vincent Clarance/CA (1 reply)
1/12/2020 1:15:38 PM (2305 views)

[+] States that are still on-site only? - William Duncan/NC (4 replies)
1/8/2020 1:12:08 PM (2502 views)

[+] Joy It Consulting??? - Jay Duncan/MO (7 replies)
1/6/2020 8:48:47 PM (2024 views)

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