DRI is the company that inspired me to go out on my own-- because I used to work for them and it was the most disorganized place I have ever worked. Since I have been on my own, I have done work for them and had numerous payment problems with them. I will no longer do their work. Lately they have been sending orders only to turn around and cancel them shortly thereafter. One such order I completed before they cancelled. It took me almost four months to get paid after making numerous requests. I am not a "disgruntled former employee". I am glad I left. I also used to work for American Title, Inc. here in Omaha as well, and I highly recommend them. They are far more professional and pay better as well. Also, if you people knew how unethical the founders of DRI were when they founded that company, you would never work for them. They were upper management at American Title and used their positions to try to steal clients to form DRI. They were actively trying to destroy the company they worked for (and were getting paid far more than they were worth) to set up their own company. They were caught and fired for this. Then they went ahead and started up DRI. If you choose to do work for them, at least you need to know who you are dealing with.
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