Helene - I do still care and I always return their orders like I would with any other client, but I guess you could say I am just a bit sore about the whole situation. I worked really hard for them and dealt with the same people for years with this client. One day they seemed to turn over everyone I knew and these new people that took over were very uncaring. I only tried to explain my situation to make them understand where I was coming from and that I was not being unfair to them. I lost a good chunk of money every month when they cut me off and now they pretty much send me work for one certain county, and no one else in that county will do their work. They actually expected me to fax from the county, granted they do have a fax, but I cannot afford to pay $1.00 a page to fax to an 800 number - period - especially when they don't feel they should have to reimburse me for those costs. I just can't give them priority like I used to, and have since found more reasonable clients to make up for the lost work.
A mobile office would be nice, but it would be a downfall for me to in many ways. For one thing, I would have to get one for myself and each of my employees, which I have two (money$$$). Then another factor is time, I only have eight hours in a day my counties are open and I don't have a lot of time to mess around faxing orders. Plus in two counties, the courts/probate are in another building. Mobile offices might work for some abstractors, but for me it would just be more stress and hassles. As for the people who now get their orders, granted they are very nice people, but the way they do their work makes me wonder sometimes. I know how hard some of their stuff was, and they just breeze through orders like it's nothing. How can I be in a county for half the day - really working hard, and they stop in for a half hour or so and chit-chat the whole time?? Either they have one order, or they aren't doing something right. I guess I will never know and maybe I don't want to. Anyway thanks for hearing me vent, I knew someone out there would understand.to post a reply: login - or - register