A counter flame in disguise, I LOVE IT! (except for the in disguise part, better to just "man-up" and say what you have to say)
Judy, I am still a big proponent of outsourcing. TO AMERICAN CITIZENS! The company I was doing sales for saw a need in our industry for title policy production because many companies found it an unpleasant formality of producing policies. We capitalized on other title company's "laziness". Call it what you may, production inadequecy, oversite, undermanned... I still call it unprofessional and lazy.
As far as the turban wearing comment... tasteless? Maybe, vague generalization? Probably, Stereotypic, Yeah.. True? Absolutely. I don't see alot of; Germans, or Japanese or Russians, Ethiopians, Chinese, British, Hungarians (is Hungary still a country?) Canadians, Mexican or... you get the picture, Taking jobs from American Independant Abstractors.
I find it expected that the left wing would respond first by avoiding the subject of the post and redirect towards the poster and unfair content of the post. Did you have something to add about the general subject of the post, or was your reply simply an attack on me? What is your position and feeling for these companies? Do you have a company to add?
Great hearing form you agin btw.
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