David: I had the opportunity to make a direct inquiry of the clerk's office in Prince William county today and ask the question that seems to have much discussion, I also did a search of the Virginia FOIA as it now stands- The Clerk's Office indicates that there have been requests by some of the companies you have mentioned-ie-RedVision- but they have not and will not sell any "bulk" documents to anyone- or let me restate that- they will sell anyone at the going rate of $1.00 per page, other wise the clerks in Va are not giving in to these crooks and they do not have the docs as has been assumed -the RedVision site is clear that they don't have them by only offering limited items- if they actually had them they could in fact offer everything-it is apparent they simply contract the work out to independents and make what ever claims they do whether they are true or not on their web site.
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