When I contacted RedVision directly they stated that they had no time table to be able to provide services for the 4 counties you have listed- the same 4 counties I work in, and that they would keep me posted as to developments-I believe they don't have the ability to unscramble the records if they even have them at all- more than likely they have nothing and they are going to contract out services to independent abstractors that fall for their "deal".
I agree that First Indian has done a disservice to those of us in this industry and continues to undermine the very resource it has/had to do it's work here in this country. I also think this decision will prove to be one that returns in a much more destructive manner when all the claims can't be "outsourced" also. It will be the Americans living here that will be submitting the claims to the First Indian here. Just an extremely poor business decision in my opinion, but then I do not enjoy all those "savings" they are finding by selling our jobs to others .
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