I checked your link for ESS and they do not actually access anything- they have someone do it for them- too many inconsistencies with what they actually do in each of the counties- for instance- Prince William Co allows you to see the assessments without any subscription- they don't even list that they can do that, the other obvious glitch is that if one has PW co- Manassas and Manassas Park are part of the same site- but they don't do them- Too much on the counties I checked just is not consistent with what we pay to get- Like Fairfax county also has a tax assessment /payment site that goes along with the subscription, but they don't seem to know that or offer it either.It appears as though ESS has been able to recruit some abstractors with all of their mass faxes and e-mailings- still they don't have direct access to the sites. Or they are just nor well versed on the use of these site....or BOTH- Probably get some real high quality titles out of them!!
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