David: I accept that for the most part- some clerks do seem to understand what certain types of documents contain and have not allowed that sensitive information to be come part of the online information- and I do not mean to pick on Texas-I am sure other states have similar problems as you have pointed out in your New for Public Officials. I am just astonished by the stories of what some of your clerks are allowing to be posted online- like the Fort Bend clerk-Dianne Wilson- that seems to not have any ethics about what is posted- she must not have any personal information that could be published in her county.
I did try to do some test work in a couple of the sites you have mentioned and find that without the much needed real time experience in that particular county I felt like there was a lot that I could be missing doing that kind of work- I feel that in order to be able to do the online cases one needs to have the experience in the record room to be confident in the end product.
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