David: I now see why your quest against the online systems is as it is- it appears as though the clerks have no regard for the people's personal information. The more I read about what goes on in Texas, the more I appreciate what our clerks in Virginia have done so far.We have to go into the clerk's office to view the personal parts of cases, none of that is supported online- and even then sometimes we have to have special clearances to view sensitive documents-the only thing we can actually "see" would be an abstract of a case-no details- that requires a trip into the clerk's office. While there does appear some occasional misses with the SS# that are no allowed anymore on the docs- they do slip thru from time to time.
And on one of your previous points about title plants being posted, are you saying that the schedule "A" info is included with the title plant too-the only things that should be included in a title plant should be the schedule "B" information, other wise one just dilutes the data and the value of it then.I have always maintained two separate information files- one of just for schedule"B" info that covers all of the 10000+ back files I maintain and then a separate one that is dedicated to the individual case information , the documents and information that I pass along to the settlement companies I provide title work for. By doing this I can actually process almost any case I have in a very short period of time, since all the back work is included with my subdivision data base-I can pull that up and just deal with the owners in the chain-I hate to say it ,but Robert mentioned at least once, that he could not see how a current owner case could be completed in less than 15 min-my approach to data compilation allows me to do that and more. That might produce some feedback- but I have been doing this for quite some time now, and it has gained me a reputation of being able to provide a product in a short time that is consistently accurate and complete- that is why they keep coming back- thank goodness.
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