I can assist you with that question. Paul owns a company called courthousedirect. His website is He is in the Houston area and owns a title company himself and has quite a large title plant. As David eluded to, his title plant is online. He is currently in a class-action suit against some big names because of Texas' title regulations. He is trying to build his plant using another party's plant. In Texas, you need to be an "owner" of a plant to do business, as I understand..... The people that "own" the largest, most complete plant are not happy that Paul is taking their data and throwing into his plant and selling it online.
I know Paul personally and have golfed and had dinner with he and his wife. He is a very kind and decent individual.
David, I think with the right conversation, you could convince Paul to at a minimum redact his plant. I was considering golfing today, and that's what made me think of him. Unfortunately, with the advent of the OCR software more and more companies like are popping up all over the country. Perhaphs instead of taking the bull by the horns, per se, we could convince the owners of these plants to exercise a little privacy policy. Responsible power is not knowing full well you have it, it's more of what you do with it that matters. Simple membership background checks and redaction of sensitive information would at least be a start.
What are your thoughts David?
George Booth
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